Friday, October 30, 2009

Ever come to the realisation you're "Softball Guy"

Jim Rome had a rant about an annoying sports fanatic which he refered to as "Softball Guy" I have provided the video

The more I listened I realised that I may not be actual "softball guy" but some of the elements sounded very familiar to me.

For instance him talking about the fact that softball guy always goes hard on every play because he "plays the game the right way" is definitely me all the way. I don't play softball but if I did i'm sure I'd be the one sliding hard into 2nd base trying to break up the double play and probably wouldn't give a damn about the 37 yrs old guy breaking his orbital bone.

Now what I do play is basketball and while everyone else thinks that it's about fade-aways, jumpers, and dunking. I believe that it's hell in the hole, you don't bring that pretty boy going to the basket crap in my house. In fact, I'll tell you straight up, everything within a certain distance to the goal is mines. You cross that line and you infringing upon my space.

I'm nudging people in the stomach, putting a body on them, using my size to create space, going upside your head. The whole 9. Not neccesarily playing dirty but just playing very physical.

I'm also sooo into playing the game the "right way". I'm not going soft at all. I could be playing against a man, woman, child, boy, girl, mentally/physically handicapped. I'm playing the same way. I'm not going to patronize you by playing any other way. That's just how I roll

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Since none of you were going to graduate anyway you are hereby expurgaged!!!

I'm writing this under the premise that people actually read this joint (which they probably don't) but just in case I'm doing it anyway. The Four-um is down a writer technically making it a threesome now...and considering that it's with Alesha and Meagan, one that I'm glad to be a part of and it also makes thing uncomplicated.LOL

Nothing like a little sexual/infidelity humor to lighten up the mood

So which writer was it? Well I just said that Meagan and Alesha form the new threesome and I'm writing right now so that only leave Jeremy...who used to be Jeremiah but at some point ceased being Jeremiah and became Jeremy

Long story short...boy meets girl......boy gets played out by girl...boy gets lonely and bitter...boy needs to kill himself

If it makes any (potential) readers feel better. We need another writers. It could be one of you...for the sake of the P.O.V of it being friends I have someone in mind but stay tuned.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Shot across the bow

If you haven't figured it out yet I have absolutely 0 interest in having a talk with you. We have nothing to talk about. I have not acted inappropriately as far as the allegations brought against me my only crime is listening to said statements but I did not solicit them or provoke them. In fact i explicitly stated numerous times that I didn't want to hear them because it was how mess gets started. I had a feeling some mess like this would happen and that why I kept the facebook msg so I could wash my hands of this mess.

I'm truly disappointed in you Jeremy. I really am. After all the stuff that transpired while we where at State I thought we had salvaged our friendship and that both of us had matured...or at least came to an understanding. Once again you have fallen victim to the same emotions that got you in trouble the last time. You got caught up in things that I said or as I refer to it "AJ being AJ" back then yea I made fun of Cyrus but I never crossed you like that, I wasn't the one who kicked you out of an apt or said horrendous things behind your back when you considered me a friend.

Now we back to square one, I might joke around with you a bit but I don't cross you, i don't put you on blast. I dont' go on facebook and/or blogs trying to drag your name in the dirt.

As for my alleged mistreatment of females call it what you want. I know how to manage personalities. I know what I can and cannot say and/or do to females... SN: The female you called yourself taking up for is the same one who copied and pasted the msg and sent it to me

Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is you really need to learn to stop letting your emotions take control. Yeah I stumbled unto some information that I'd probably rather much not have had but ain't like I just went and threw you under the bus and/or told everybody who would listen for the most part I kept it to myself is what it the words of Tony Montana. I stayed loyal to you Jeremiah, I made a few jokes on the side but I never turned on you and I especially never put you on blast on the internet in front of your peers and encouraged them to stop dealing with me. You speak of my actions but what about that...who gets on the internet and calls someone foul to their female friend and more imporantly their girlfriend

What you fail to realize is that I'm the one with the political capital and the favorably. You're going to lose this battle Jeremy. I'm going to tell you what you're going to do and if you're smart you will do it

You will...

1. Cease and Desist all activites that reflect negatively on me

You had better not try to put me on blast in anyway shape or form this includes on the internet or even to someone that we know. I better not even here of you telling it to someone I don't know.

2. Not say anything at all if you don't have anything good to say
...Or at least not ill, a simple refusal to comment will suffice

3. Not contact Meagan via txt msg, phone call, facebook nothing
She's not very high on you, she's not your friend she's mine...same goes for Vanessa

4. Attempt to contact and/or communicate with me through third parties or unofficial channels

What you can do is...

1. Respond to this msg
Eveyone deserves a shot to clarify the situation at least once..doesn't matter what you say..heck you might even be forgiven if it's compelling enough...but if you don't want to show the peace branch that's fine to. Just speak your peace and promptly bow out from "The Four-um"

2. Acknowledge me when you see me
It would be pretty whack if we didn't acknowledge each other

Non-compliance with these terms will result in the ending of your social life as you know it...I'm serious, you won't be able to go somewhere without being laughed at especially at State or in the presence of our acquintances. I will start a personal campaign against you in which no punches will be pulled and everything will be fair game.

In conclusion I'm not the bad guy here, you're the one who drew first blood. Nobody feels sorry for you. Nobody is on your side but if these are my last words to you then here is one of my favorite bible quotes and my personal policy on life, friendships and relationships though I do wanna lecture a lil bit

Alesha is a bit of a tool sometimes, she fronted like she didn't like me for about a year and she was with other dudes. Looked past it,her love is true and I love her all the same

Meagan didn't always treat me the best, she fronted on me and wouldn't give me the time of day for years on and was a bit of an opportunist at times and held back her feelings til it was too late. Her feelings for me are true, she's a good woman, and I consider her a good friend

You acted scary, brash and came off as an a-hole from time to time and even judgemental. I felt as though I was one of the few people who actually understood you. I would go to war for you when people talked about you behind your back. I don't want trophy but I knew that you was cool all in all

The point I'm making by pointing out everyone's faults it that we all have faults and as the good book says

"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Rainbow Fish

So one day I'm substituting at a local elementary school and the assistant is about to read a story to the children called "The Rainbow Fish".

The story is a very simple on about a pretty rainbow fish with shiny glittery scales that makes him the center of attention in the waters where he resides. But rainbow fish is very arrogant and thinks he is took me to associate with the other fish. One day a bluefish comes up to Rainbow fish and asked for one of his scales and he pretty much told the bluefish to get out his face and how dare he ask for a scale. The bluefish went back and told the other fish in the ocean about how Rainbow Fish treated him. Then none of the other fish would associate with him and Rainbow fish got lonely and wondered why none of the other fish would communicate with him. He asked a starfish and he deferred to an octopus who told him to give away his scales and he would feel better.

Upon the advice of the octopus, Rainbow fish returned and the bluefish returned to asked about a scale. He reluctantly gave him one of the smaller scales he but it gave him a great feeling. Pretty soon the other fish lined up and asked for scales too which Rainbow Fish, with his new deposition on life, glady gave away his scales until he had just one glittery scale left. Now all the other fish accepted him and they lived happily ever after....

Socialist Propaganda if I ever heard it

But I'd never heard of this story and called up my girl Mae Mae (Aye Mae Mae!) to ask about it since she worked with kids.

I told her what I thought about it and she said I was nuts and that it was obviously a story about sharing and giving nothing more nothing less. I refused to give up so I dared her to go online, go to google and type in "Rainbow Fish-Socialism" Having never researched the matter myself. Because I was confident I wasn't the only person who picked this up.

I just looked it up and there were 12,300 hits

At this point (and yes this is another post dedicated to spite Meagan)...she was forced to acknowledge the legitimacy of my claim.

He had pretty scales and all the fish wanted them and he became unhappy because of his exclusion from society and the solution was to give away his most prized possessions???

Who the hell wrote this? Karl Marx?

Now for those who say "It's a kids story" I version would have been if he had a ball and wouldn't share and he found playing alone was not fun and discovered that through sharing he had more fun.

The sound more like some class stuff because of the pretty rainbow fish looking down on the common blue fish, and being excluded from normal society much as a rich person could find themselves, then finding that through giving away his scales or in the case of a to charity and sharing their wealth they were happier and had a sense of belonging and purpose.

I'm not a hardcore capitalist or anything but let's just keep the indoctrination away from the kiddies wheter the propaganda goes one way or the other

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

LOL :)

First of all, to uphold my part of the deal we made prior to the JSU vs MSU game, since we scored over 40 pts . . . YAW YAW YAW YAW YAW, YAW YAW, FOOTBALL!

With that taken care of . . . NO! I was NOT being/acting "stand-offish" at the game! This is what I remember: I recall "somebody" appearing out of thin air, me saying what up, then everything was cool until that same "somebody" made a comment that warrented an "Uh Ohh" and a record skip! So chill out with trying to call me out "sir!"

My thoughts on the JSU vs MSU game: Our offense started off kinda slow, liked the idea of them starting off with that reverse play. The defense looked okay, minus those two deep balls. And for the kicker, please let those 2 missed FGs be a thing of the past! Overall, by the end of the game, "Darn shame what they did to them tigers."

The U vs. FSU: That was a GOOD game! Nuff said!

AJ rips his shirt off and this is what he said......

Yaw Yaw Yaw Yaw Yaw Yaw...wait that's more of Meagan's thing...anyways. I am here to throw each and every last one of us under the bus including myself but mostly Meagan (why her???) I dunno. We've all been slacking off on our blogging. There's been a lot of things going on in our respective lives and/or sports to talk about. In fact we haven't blogged in so long I don't even much know what all we missed. Hell enough things took place just the last weekend. Me and Lesha pooh were together. Meagan acted, as Jeremy so eloquently put it, "standoff-ish" at the game. The BBQ last nite @ Alesha apartment. The Florida State game. Shawn Merriman having to choke a bitch...the list goes on...Jeremiah sneaking up on Meagan like a ninja!LOL

I'm issusing a personal challenge to Meagan Deandra Robinson, Alesha Ricole Lindsey, and Jeremiah "Jeremy" Short to step up they blog game!!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Better Late Than Never - A Rant

Friday night, I decided against my best judgment to watch the B.E.T. Awards. It originally aired at the end of June right after Michael Jackson passed away, so it was suppose to be kinda like a tribute show to him, right? Well, here's my opinion on that...

It was a hot mess overall.

First thing first, wtf Jamie Foxx??? MJ belonged to us?!?!? Last time I checked, he was a human being not a dog or cat or any other kinda pet. Yeah he might have broken down race barriers when he was a part of the Jackson 5 or early on in his solo career BUT he's an international superstar with fans from here to Timbuktu. Just because he's a black man doesn't mean we "own" him. If that's the case, I could say that I "own" AJ, Meagan, and Jermey because we all went to State.

And the performances (the standouts to me)....

There were the really goods...

Maxwell performing "Pretty Wings"...I melted at this performance. His vocals, the sound, everything was just about perfect. I could argure that it was the best one of the night.

Ne-Yo...what can I say, the man's got talent. Love the duet he did with Jamie, one of the couple MJ tributes I could actually see.

Mary-Mary...always liked them, so this is a little biased. But what can I say, they get me praising anytime I listen to them. I'll admit, it seemed a little odd to see them perform on this particular show being that they're in the gospel arena.

There were the bads...

Ciara...When she first started singing I thought it was a little boy trying to sing. Then I realized it was her. I'm glad that she did an MJ song, but did it have to be so somber?

Jamie Foxx and was flashy, it was bright, it was mediocre at best. I don't understand why Jamie had the need to use Auto-Tune. He can hold his own singing wise. T-Pain, however... However I will say that I was glad to see that Travis Barker was looking much better.

Beyonce...firstly, I thought she had an okay voice but didn't really like it tonight. I'm a big fan of the song "Angel" by Sarah McLaughlin. She did not do it justice. Secondly, WTF was she wearing?!?!?!? Last time I checked "Ava Maria" was a revered spirtual song. A long, dramatic dress would have been much more appropiate instead of looking like a slutty tooth fairy.

And there were the uglys...

Soulja Boy...I will be the first to admit, I fell for the act. But this performance was HORRENDOUS. He's dead to me. End of story.

Drake and Lil Wayne...Not a huge fan of Drake but it wasn't too bad. I'm callin out Lil Wayne. How in the HELL do you perform a "song" about f*cking ("loving") every girl in the world and you have girls dancing on the stage who look like they MIGHT be high school freshmen. Tacky, distasteful, and just down right wrong in every sense.

WTF was up with the "movie trailer"?! I didn't see the point in it. They mighta been funny characters on their respectable shows (Martin and In Living Color) but I didn't find them really funny. Also thought it was outta line and pretty forgetable.

And the MJ "tributes", if it can be called that, were okay at best. I mean they couldn't put together a montage of some of his biggest hits. He was a dancer so they could have had some of the best dancers (might sound cliche but there's Usher, Justin Timberlake, and to an extent Ne-Yo) do a dance montage. Something more than just wearing high-watered pants with socks, a shirt with his picture, or a glove on one hand.

Overall, I felt that the show was thrown together, unorganized, disgraceful as a "tribute". It felt like it lacked a passion for MJ. I had really just stopped watching BET years ago...yes, during my teenage years. I was reminded why I did. It's not what I stand for personally. All the "best" acts are just middle of the road to me for the most part. Most of the songs revolve around sex, drugs, and violence. And maybe it wouldn't be quite as bad if it wasn't so crude, in your face, vulgar, and disrespectful.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Blink and You Miss It

So as everyone knows, there's been quite a few deaths that have occurred over the past few weeks with people from Ed McMahon to Michael Jackson to Steve McNair to Bill Mays ( the OxyClean guy). And now I'm dealing with the death of a classmate of mine. Now all this has got me wondering what is going on in this world around us. Is there something in the water? Could the end of times be approaching us? Not to get religious or anything, but could all this be signs of God? Or is it just that all these deaths are just happening to occur at this time because of some unknown force?

Any way it goes, any way you look at it, life is just too short, too precious.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Not so LIVE from Little Rock!!! (Sinin of the Pities Pt.2)

I know I promised that I'd do my next post from Little Rock but it turns out that Alesha's computer was experiencing some technical difficulties so it couldn't make the trip. So I was facebook/twitter/blogger-less throughout the trip... I's whack. Alesha monkey tail got facebook mobile and twitter txt so she was in the game. Did she ask if I wanted to use it? No! Cause she selfish that's why!LOL

Well I don't know about Alesha but I had a BLAST in Little Rock. It was fun even before we got to Little Rock because I showed her all the pictures in my photo album before we left then I gave her a lil tour of the city and we ate at Lakeshore Cafe in Lake Village,AR where we got some real good catfish. I'd recommend it to anyone. We finally got to the room

*Sidenote* When we got there the sign directing us to the hotel was actually on a rundown hotel in front of it prompting us to believe that was the actual hotel we was in and we we like ugh....this ain't what we seen on the internet...somebody lied to us.LOL

But it was straight better than we thought. Then we...umm...kicked it until it was time to go to the game. The first game was extra boring, think it could have been because I felt detached since I was sitting in like Right Field. So me and Alesha went to the restaurant in the ballpark and then left. Almost forgot that Alesha had a lil problem finding the path on the way back.LOL

The next day we ate the continental breakfast that I turned into ole country buffet and went to the ballgame. This time we sat in the box seats and it was real nice and we watched fireworks and it was very nice, oh and Alesha couldn't find the path again

When we got to Greenville I let her meet some of my family and the whole trip was very sweet all in all.

But what did I learn from the trip?

Well I wanted to see where I stood with Alesha. Has the relationship been a fluke so far? Is it real? Have I just been enamoured with her. Do I really have feelings for "her" or was it moreso that I liked her because she liked me?

Well? Did I?

Well it's not a fluke, it's not me being enamoured with her, I didn't just fall for the first girl nice to me

I really got true feelings for Alesha and it hurt for me to see her go and it hurts to not be with her. And I really don't want to be with anyone else!

Which is good in case our blog ends up being named Arthur n Alesha Plus One soon!LOL

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Life in times of J.Short

This is nothing to interesting post I got a job as you all know working at a chicken plant not my desired job but ay it's income and gives a nigga flexibilty. I finally got the first pay check in 4 months great feeling now I can stack my chips in the bank now or at least go to the movies from time to time. This is part one in my master plan now time to get second job and stack evn more chips and reach my target goal of 3 g's in 3 months if I achieve this i can pay off three debts and get a crib or move if need be.

The Sinin of The Pities

I know that title makes absoultely no sense but follow me on this. It is a poorly kept secret that me and Alesha are supposed to be going to Little Rock for the 4th. And after months of planning the day of redemption is finally at hand.

We room is reserved. The tickets are on call, the checks is in the mail, and Alesha's family has kicked rocks. All that's left is for Alesha to brining her lil short behind to G'ville tomorrow and boy am I excited because come tomorrow I am going to straight "Sine her pity on the runny kine" unless something goes which case I'm going to have to call in a "stunt Lesha"LOL *cough* Meagan *cough*

I know what you guys are thinkin...oh up on the forum will be a post LIVE from Little Rock, AR...I wonder if they got Wi-Fi at the ballpark so I can blog from the game?

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Jeremiah is supposed to be blogging something about this topic but he's taking too long so I'm going take the first shot across the bow!

Last night he was talking about a girl problem that he was having and I said that long story short he is under the impression that he is assertive and dominant with members of the opposite sex moreso than he actually is. He is actually quite passive and a bit appeasing, I've had the same problem before so I'm not throughing stone and I'm not saying...I'm just saying.

The female that he is dealing with is quite dominant or maybe not so much but when you're dealing with a female like that you have to "break" them, not to sound like I'm on some Ike Turner type stuff but once again I'm not saying...I'm saying *cough* Meagan *cough*

This young lady is well versed in "the game" and Jeremiah is not so much of a newbie but she's playing on the advanced level so he could very well just be outclassed and she's kind of running circles around him.

When we were dicussing this last night I made mention of it reminding me of Stan Van Gundy's now infamous decision to (for reasons unknown) let J.J. Redick guard Kobe Bryant which just bring a smile to my face and makes me chuckle just typing it.LOL.
Sidenote* Really Coach Gundy? Really? J.J. Redick on Kobe, I mean what was your though process? The moment you said "J.J. you take Kobe" something should have clicked and been like...hey that don't sound right.


It looked something like this...
Not the look of aggresion and anger on his face, the quote-unquote "Eye of the Tiger" and how J.J. Redick just looks like a helpless wilderbeast or deer or some sh*t? I mean he's trying as hard as he can but his best just isn't enough.
But friends, Romans, Countrymen, I have come here to bury Jeremiah not to diss him. Well all find ourselves on the J.J. Redick end of relationships and sometimes in life. I've dealt with a female or two in my life where I just wasn't not mentally competent enough to succesfully court them.
We all find ourselves unequally yolked. We deal with people who do us wrong, we know they do us wrong, they know they doing us wrong but we may not have the guts to say anything or if we do they make it seem like there's something wrong with us for having the audacity to question their "sovereignty" and that they can do what they want because TECHNICALLY you all arent' in a relationship.
Maybe they know...maybe they right
But I have always felt as though you have a personal responsibility to people and their feelings just as a human being regardless of if that person is your boyfriend,girlfriend, an associate or just some person you met on the street.
Stop hiding behind labels to justify your actions and coping out. If this you a person who is like this my words to you are YOU WRONG AND YOU KNOW YOU WRONG!!!
Mane don't make me mad cause I'm amped already. I'm through with this post.
*Under my breath* That's why I choose homies over h*** anyways.....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sports Minute

You mighta seen it coming. Maybe you didn't. But according to Yahoo! sports (trusty I know, ha ha!) Shaquile O'Neil has been traded from the Phoenix Suns to the Cleveland Cavaliers for Ben Wallace and Sasha Pavlovic along with the 46th pick in the draft Thursday and cash. Now I'll be the first to admit I'm not the biggest basketball fan, but I think that this is definately an interesting move that could pay off for Cleveland. I'll be keeping my eye on this....

In the other big sports news story of the night, the LSU Tigers (Louisiana State University for you people living under rocks) defeated the Texas Longhorns 11-4 to win the 2009 College World Series. The breaking point in this game was the 5 run 6th inning by LSU, which put the game in the bag for them. I'll give Texas props. It was definately a good series. But this year's title is heading down to bayou country and in the SEC where it belongs. (Bias I know :P) Geaux Tigers!

Maggie...tell me how my a** taste!?!

Noooo Meagan? Why you have to go there knowing good and dog on well that: Meagan you can't do without me...Meagan you can't do without me...everybody..Maggie...tell me how my a** taste.

I ain't the Pippen to my Jordan. You the Kobe to my Shaq, the Mark Messier to my Wayne Gretzky, the Elisha to my Elijah

I'm the ish and you's a peon, the underage chick in the R.Kelly tape gettin peed on

"It's a Hot Day for a Hootananny!"

What’s happenin everybody! First of all, I would like to say that I am Super-Duper Excited to be a part of The Forum! Big ups to my Forum partners in crime! So, how should I begin?!!
First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Arthur Jr. for doing EXACTLY what I thought he would do, poke fun at me whenever possible! So in humor my response is, “YAW YAW YAW YAW YAW YAW, Football!!!” LOL, much love to you too A.J.!

Now, I think A.J. addressed the whole non-situation “situation” that some individuals, whom shall remain nameless, have expressed concern over perfectly. The “situation” I am referring to is our friendship, which is just that, FRIENDSHIP! As far as I’m concerned, one such individual has NO EARTHLY REASON to say anything about me, seeing how this person has never met me, conversed with me, nor seen me! The goings on between my FRIEND A.J. and I have never led to nor have been suggestive of any inappropriate behavior!

And now to address Jeremy’s, I mean Jeremiah‘s theoretical input. . . . . . Oh Okay

With that said, I would like to express how much I appreciate Lesha for her trust and understanding. I completely respect HER feeling/opinions! So to all the A.J./MagPie haters, y'alls theory can kick rocks! Shout out to my home-skillet A.J. for his defense! You’re the Pippen to my Jordan! LOL! TRILLZ!!!!!

Aye Mae Mae!!!

I believe that now is the time to dive into the subject of the cornerstone of "The Forum" or as Jeremiah refers to it "The Four-Um". Which is the interpersonal relationship between me and Meagan Robinson.

What can I say about Meagan that has not already been said about Afghanistan?

Meagan's okay. I been knowing her since our freshman year @ the state university of Mississippi and even back then she was an overly opinionated WITCH who needed to be broke. Unfortunately I took a lot of lip from her in those days and I have since seen the error of my ways and know she know what time it is.

Now she is my own personal "Sasquatch" who's sole purpose in life is my entertainment. I can call her @ 3:30 in the morning to scream YAW YAW YAW YAW YAW FOOTBALL and she'll actually answer the phone.LOL

I just find it very odd how it even got to this point. There was a time I could not talk to this young lady for 30 mins on end without someone being like yeah peace. Now I talk to her all the time and half the time nobody's even saying nothing.

I am a complete a-hole to her from time to time but there is a special place at the bottom of my shoe for her.... <3 s U Maggie

So how does this translate into my relationship with Alesha? Good question. The forum has had a lot to say about it, normally with the help of a frequent guest contributor who, since she's not a part of the blog, we be refered to simply as Nessa.

Some members of The Forum are throughly convinced that my friendship with Meagan is complete and utter bullstuff and I should probably cut her loose. I'm not clear on if I could do that if I tried and I know that statements like that in addition to statements like "<3 s you Maggie" don't help the case but just because I think Meagan is Super Delicious and used to try to date her does not mean that we can't have a functional friendship.

Is there something wrong we the fact that we really really good friends? That she the one I call when I get off work @ 6:30 in the morning. That we both get a little grumpy when the other doesn't talk to call the other in a while, don't want the other person to get off the phone with each other?

Probably not, Meagan's always awake at that time and Alesha's sleep. When Alesha calls it always supercedes Maggie and more importantly WE AIN'T DID SH*T. Not only that but we haven't been consorting with each other on that much anyway (j/k)

Maybe I talk too fondly of her...I dunno...Jeremy, who used to be Jeremiah but ceased being Jeremiah and became Jeremy at some point, says that I should chill out on the Meagan tip sometime in the near future and yes I just threw you under the bus...but nah I ain't getting rid of Meagan

And as for that other person. My friend is not a b**** or a woman of ill repute and if you go afoul of Meagan you go afoul of me!!!

What does it mean to be Good

What’s The Meaning of Being Good?

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Jesus after being asked a questioned replied: As a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, robbers attacked him and grabbed everything he had. They beat him up and ran off, leaving him half dead.

A priest happened to be going down the same road. But when he saw the man he walked by on the other side. Later a temple helper came to the same place. But when he saw the man who had been beaten up, he also went on the other side.

A man from Samaria then came traveling along that road. When he saw the man, he felt sorry for him and went over to him. He treated his wounds with olive and wine and bandaged them. The he put them on his own donkey and took him to an inn. The next day he gave the inn keeper two silver coins and said, “Please take care of the man. If you spend more than this on him, I will pay you when I return.”

Then Jesus asked, “Which one of these three people was a real neighbor to the man who was beaten up by the robbers?” the teacher answered, “The one who showed pity.” Jesus said go do the same!”

Piggybacking off the Parable of the Good Samaritan there been something I’ve been thinking on something lately. I asked myself the question what truly makes someone good or good person.

Is it that they say they are good because just like the car commercials and a salesmen says they won’t lie to you probably just like regular people.

Is it that friends say they are good but I don’t think that’s it because if people think they can get something from you or have a particular status in life they will say positive things about you.

Is it the world perceives you as good. I love Angelina Jolie as she is one of the most beautiful women I have seen but at same time she took Brad Pitt from Jennifer Anniston but no one seems to bat an eyelash since it happens a lot in Hollywood. Jolie seems like a kind-hearted person that does a lot of good I’m just saying the lines of whose good can be blurry sometimes.

These are the type of questions we must start to ask ourselves and challenge others to do the same.

On the movie SWAT one of the characters commented sometimes doing the right thing is not doing the right thing. There have been great historical figures that have done something that was seen as wrong at the time even breaking the law. Jesus broke the law but he was truly good. Mahatma Gandhi broke the law, Nelson Mandela broke the law, MLK broke the law, and Malcolm X broke the law in the sake of noble causes. So, the question I ask again what is truly being good.

Is it being honest that can be blurry also because sometimes not telling a friend something that may be hurtful can be just as good in my opinion. I’ve had associates or friends that have in my opinion volunteered information as I like to call it. What I mean is they have told me or others information that have served no purpose other than to bring negativity. I believe sometimes being truly good can mean just being honest when the time calls for it like telling a friend they are going down the wrong path or chastising a statement they made. Sometimes being a good friend is to be willing to let that person go.

What type of people are considered good

Ministers- They normally are given a reprieve from all things wrong, but what’s up with all these priest molesting kids or making church a source to expand there own wealth. The reason me and a lot of people are turned away from the traditional church setting. The preachers of today as another preacher said focus to much on the vertical as in our relationship with god instead of also with the rest of the world.

Church Goers/ Saved People- This may be controversial but a lot of so call Christians work my nerve at times they do all this crap Monday through Saturday and then have the nerve to tell people how to live their lives instead of leading by example. My main gripe with the church today is that people act like if you go to church on Sunday then your automatically good which is preaching the wrong message in my opinion. They instead should be focusing on the decisions that are made in private and in public and how you interact with fellow man.

People who give to charity- Nothing is wrong with giving to charity not saying that but some of the people who do get to much credit. Many famous people do this stuff to get the tax write off or favorable publicity. I’ve always been a fan of what a person doing in favor what they do that you can see because anyone can fake. That’s why couples and friends have falling out for years as you learn how a person really is when u live with them. You start to see the things they do maybe not thinking about their actions and then you see how they truly are.

On the first episode of one of my favorite shows Psych the main character comments that someone couldn’t possibly be the killer as murderers don’t stop to put trash on the ground in the trashcan. This may seem silly or elementary but little things like that can tell the true character of a person.

So I ask what a good person vs. bad person is
Good friend versus Bad friend
Good parent versus Bad parent

So I pose to you one of the many questions I ask myself what does it mean to be good

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Welcome to "The Forum"

Long story short this will be discussions and/or debates between 4 buddies Arthur Hosey Jr, my girlfriend Alesha Lindsey, my friend for the last 6 year Jeremiah Short and Meagan Robinson who's Super Delicious!LOL

We normally stay in contact with each other on a daily basis and talk about the different going-ons in our lives. Meagan suggested that between the 4 of us there was always something going on. Of course, she's right.

Between talking about sports, relationships, beefs, and just life in general there is never a dull moment.

So where did the name come from? Well we all kinda sorta follow Jim Rome and at one point on Jim Rome's ESPN show "Jim Rome is Burning" during the whole Brett Favre-Vikings debacle he refused to talk about it. So when it was time for him to talk about it he was like " Word has it that Brett Favre has been working out with a personal trainer in Mississippi" then he'd just say oh okay or he'd start talking about his segement where he brings in different people to talk sports he calls "the forum"

So there you have it

Trust me, it might not make sense now but it'll be very interesting and you're gonna wanna stay tuned