Friday, October 30, 2009

Ever come to the realisation you're "Softball Guy"

Jim Rome had a rant about an annoying sports fanatic which he refered to as "Softball Guy" I have provided the video

The more I listened I realised that I may not be actual "softball guy" but some of the elements sounded very familiar to me.

For instance him talking about the fact that softball guy always goes hard on every play because he "plays the game the right way" is definitely me all the way. I don't play softball but if I did i'm sure I'd be the one sliding hard into 2nd base trying to break up the double play and probably wouldn't give a damn about the 37 yrs old guy breaking his orbital bone.

Now what I do play is basketball and while everyone else thinks that it's about fade-aways, jumpers, and dunking. I believe that it's hell in the hole, you don't bring that pretty boy going to the basket crap in my house. In fact, I'll tell you straight up, everything within a certain distance to the goal is mines. You cross that line and you infringing upon my space.

I'm nudging people in the stomach, putting a body on them, using my size to create space, going upside your head. The whole 9. Not neccesarily playing dirty but just playing very physical.

I'm also sooo into playing the game the "right way". I'm not going soft at all. I could be playing against a man, woman, child, boy, girl, mentally/physically handicapped. I'm playing the same way. I'm not going to patronize you by playing any other way. That's just how I roll

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Since none of you were going to graduate anyway you are hereby expurgaged!!!

I'm writing this under the premise that people actually read this joint (which they probably don't) but just in case I'm doing it anyway. The Four-um is down a writer technically making it a threesome now...and considering that it's with Alesha and Meagan, one that I'm glad to be a part of and it also makes thing uncomplicated.LOL

Nothing like a little sexual/infidelity humor to lighten up the mood

So which writer was it? Well I just said that Meagan and Alesha form the new threesome and I'm writing right now so that only leave Jeremy...who used to be Jeremiah but at some point ceased being Jeremiah and became Jeremy

Long story short...boy meets girl......boy gets played out by girl...boy gets lonely and bitter...boy needs to kill himself

If it makes any (potential) readers feel better. We need another writers. It could be one of you...for the sake of the P.O.V of it being friends I have someone in mind but stay tuned.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Shot across the bow

If you haven't figured it out yet I have absolutely 0 interest in having a talk with you. We have nothing to talk about. I have not acted inappropriately as far as the allegations brought against me my only crime is listening to said statements but I did not solicit them or provoke them. In fact i explicitly stated numerous times that I didn't want to hear them because it was how mess gets started. I had a feeling some mess like this would happen and that why I kept the facebook msg so I could wash my hands of this mess.

I'm truly disappointed in you Jeremy. I really am. After all the stuff that transpired while we where at State I thought we had salvaged our friendship and that both of us had matured...or at least came to an understanding. Once again you have fallen victim to the same emotions that got you in trouble the last time. You got caught up in things that I said or as I refer to it "AJ being AJ" back then yea I made fun of Cyrus but I never crossed you like that, I wasn't the one who kicked you out of an apt or said horrendous things behind your back when you considered me a friend.

Now we back to square one, I might joke around with you a bit but I don't cross you, i don't put you on blast. I dont' go on facebook and/or blogs trying to drag your name in the dirt.

As for my alleged mistreatment of females call it what you want. I know how to manage personalities. I know what I can and cannot say and/or do to females... SN: The female you called yourself taking up for is the same one who copied and pasted the msg and sent it to me

Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is you really need to learn to stop letting your emotions take control. Yeah I stumbled unto some information that I'd probably rather much not have had but ain't like I just went and threw you under the bus and/or told everybody who would listen for the most part I kept it to myself is what it the words of Tony Montana. I stayed loyal to you Jeremiah, I made a few jokes on the side but I never turned on you and I especially never put you on blast on the internet in front of your peers and encouraged them to stop dealing with me. You speak of my actions but what about that...who gets on the internet and calls someone foul to their female friend and more imporantly their girlfriend

What you fail to realize is that I'm the one with the political capital and the favorably. You're going to lose this battle Jeremy. I'm going to tell you what you're going to do and if you're smart you will do it

You will...

1. Cease and Desist all activites that reflect negatively on me

You had better not try to put me on blast in anyway shape or form this includes on the internet or even to someone that we know. I better not even here of you telling it to someone I don't know.

2. Not say anything at all if you don't have anything good to say
...Or at least not ill, a simple refusal to comment will suffice

3. Not contact Meagan via txt msg, phone call, facebook nothing
She's not very high on you, she's not your friend she's mine...same goes for Vanessa

4. Attempt to contact and/or communicate with me through third parties or unofficial channels

What you can do is...

1. Respond to this msg
Eveyone deserves a shot to clarify the situation at least once..doesn't matter what you say..heck you might even be forgiven if it's compelling enough...but if you don't want to show the peace branch that's fine to. Just speak your peace and promptly bow out from "The Four-um"

2. Acknowledge me when you see me
It would be pretty whack if we didn't acknowledge each other

Non-compliance with these terms will result in the ending of your social life as you know it...I'm serious, you won't be able to go somewhere without being laughed at especially at State or in the presence of our acquintances. I will start a personal campaign against you in which no punches will be pulled and everything will be fair game.

In conclusion I'm not the bad guy here, you're the one who drew first blood. Nobody feels sorry for you. Nobody is on your side but if these are my last words to you then here is one of my favorite bible quotes and my personal policy on life, friendships and relationships though I do wanna lecture a lil bit

Alesha is a bit of a tool sometimes, she fronted like she didn't like me for about a year and she was with other dudes. Looked past it,her love is true and I love her all the same

Meagan didn't always treat me the best, she fronted on me and wouldn't give me the time of day for years on and was a bit of an opportunist at times and held back her feelings til it was too late. Her feelings for me are true, she's a good woman, and I consider her a good friend

You acted scary, brash and came off as an a-hole from time to time and even judgemental. I felt as though I was one of the few people who actually understood you. I would go to war for you when people talked about you behind your back. I don't want trophy but I knew that you was cool all in all

The point I'm making by pointing out everyone's faults it that we all have faults and as the good book says

"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23