What’s The Meaning of Being Good?
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Jesus after being asked a questioned replied: As a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, robbers attacked him and grabbed everything he had. They beat him up and ran off, leaving him half dead.
A priest happened to be going down the same road. But when he saw the man he walked by on the other side. Later a temple helper came to the same place. But when he saw the man who had been beaten up, he also went on the other side.
A man from Samaria then came traveling along that road. When he saw the man, he felt sorry for him and went over to him. He treated his wounds with olive and wine and bandaged them. The he put them on his own donkey and took him to an inn. The next day he gave the inn keeper two silver coins and said, “Please take care of the man. If you spend more than this on him, I will pay you when I return.”
Then Jesus asked, “Which one of these three people was a real neighbor to the man who was beaten up by the robbers?” the teacher answered, “The one who showed pity.” Jesus said go do the same!”
Piggybacking off the Parable of the Good Samaritan there been something I’ve been thinking on something lately. I asked myself the question what truly makes someone good or good person.
Is it that they say they are good because just like the car commercials and a salesmen says they won’t lie to you probably just like regular people.
Is it that friends say they are good but I don’t think that’s it because if people think they can get something from you or have a particular status in life they will say positive things about you.
Is it the world perceives you as good. I love Angelina Jolie as she is one of the most beautiful women I have seen but at same time she took Brad Pitt from Jennifer Anniston but no one seems to bat an eyelash since it happens a lot in Hollywood. Jolie seems like a kind-hearted person that does a lot of good I’m just saying the lines of whose good can be blurry sometimes.
These are the type of questions we must start to ask ourselves and challenge others to do the same.
On the movie SWAT one of the characters commented sometimes doing the right thing is not doing the right thing. There have been great historical figures that have done something that was seen as wrong at the time even breaking the law. Jesus broke the law but he was truly good. Mahatma Gandhi broke the law, Nelson Mandela broke the law, MLK broke the law, and Malcolm X broke the law in the sake of noble causes. So, the question I ask again what is truly being good.
Is it being honest that can be blurry also because sometimes not telling a friend something that may be hurtful can be just as good in my opinion. I’ve had associates or friends that have in my opinion volunteered information as I like to call it. What I mean is they have told me or others information that have served no purpose other than to bring negativity. I believe sometimes being truly good can mean just being honest when the time calls for it like telling a friend they are going down the wrong path or chastising a statement they made. Sometimes being a good friend is to be willing to let that person go.
What type of people are considered good
Ministers- They normally are given a reprieve from all things wrong, but what’s up with all these priest molesting kids or making church a source to expand there own wealth. The reason me and a lot of people are turned away from the traditional church setting. The preachers of today as another preacher said focus to much on the vertical as in our relationship with god instead of also with the rest of the world.
Church Goers/ Saved People- This may be controversial but a lot of so call Christians work my nerve at times they do all this crap Monday through Saturday and then have the nerve to tell people how to live their lives instead of leading by example. My main gripe with the church today is that people act like if you go to church on Sunday then your automatically good which is preaching the wrong message in my opinion. They instead should be focusing on the decisions that are made in private and in public and how you interact with fellow man.
People who give to charity- Nothing is wrong with giving to charity not saying that but some of the people who do get to much credit. Many famous people do this stuff to get the tax write off or favorable publicity. I’ve always been a fan of what a person doing in favor what they do that you can see because anyone can fake. That’s why couples and friends have falling out for years as you learn how a person really is when u live with them. You start to see the things they do maybe not thinking about their actions and then you see how they truly are.
On the first episode of one of my favorite shows Psych the main character comments that someone couldn’t possibly be the killer as murderers don’t stop to put trash on the ground in the trashcan. This may seem silly or elementary but little things like that can tell the true character of a person.
So I ask what a good person vs. bad person is
Good friend versus Bad friend
Good parent versus Bad parent
So I pose to you one of the many questions I ask myself what does it mean to be good
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