Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Aye Mae Mae!!!

I believe that now is the time to dive into the subject of the cornerstone of "The Forum" or as Jeremiah refers to it "The Four-Um". Which is the interpersonal relationship between me and Meagan Robinson.

What can I say about Meagan that has not already been said about Afghanistan?

Meagan's okay. I been knowing her since our freshman year @ the state university of Mississippi and even back then she was an overly opinionated WITCH who needed to be broke. Unfortunately I took a lot of lip from her in those days and I have since seen the error of my ways and know she know what time it is.

Now she is my own personal "Sasquatch" who's sole purpose in life is my entertainment. I can call her @ 3:30 in the morning to scream YAW YAW YAW YAW YAW FOOTBALL and she'll actually answer the phone.LOL

I just find it very odd how it even got to this point. There was a time I could not talk to this young lady for 30 mins on end without someone being like yeah peace. Now I talk to her all the time and half the time nobody's even saying nothing.

I am a complete a-hole to her from time to time but there is a special place at the bottom of my shoe for her.... <3 s U Maggie

So how does this translate into my relationship with Alesha? Good question. The forum has had a lot to say about it, normally with the help of a frequent guest contributor who, since she's not a part of the blog, we be refered to simply as Nessa.

Some members of The Forum are throughly convinced that my friendship with Meagan is complete and utter bullstuff and I should probably cut her loose. I'm not clear on if I could do that if I tried and I know that statements like that in addition to statements like "<3 s you Maggie" don't help the case but just because I think Meagan is Super Delicious and used to try to date her does not mean that we can't have a functional friendship.

Is there something wrong we the fact that we really really good friends? That she the one I call when I get off work @ 6:30 in the morning. That we both get a little grumpy when the other doesn't talk to call the other in a while, don't want the other person to get off the phone with each other?

Probably not, Meagan's always awake at that time and Alesha's sleep. When Alesha calls it always supercedes Maggie and more importantly WE AIN'T DID SH*T. Not only that but we haven't been consorting with each other on that much anyway (j/k)

Maybe I talk too fondly of her...I dunno...Jeremy, who used to be Jeremiah but ceased being Jeremiah and became Jeremy at some point, says that I should chill out on the Meagan tip sometime in the near future and yes I just threw you under the bus...but nah I ain't getting rid of Meagan

And as for that other person. My friend is not a b**** or a woman of ill repute and if you go afoul of Meagan you go afoul of me!!!

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