Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Rainbow Fish

So one day I'm substituting at a local elementary school and the assistant is about to read a story to the children called "The Rainbow Fish".

The story is a very simple on about a pretty rainbow fish with shiny glittery scales that makes him the center of attention in the waters where he resides. But rainbow fish is very arrogant and thinks he is took me to associate with the other fish. One day a bluefish comes up to Rainbow fish and asked for one of his scales and he pretty much told the bluefish to get out his face and how dare he ask for a scale. The bluefish went back and told the other fish in the ocean about how Rainbow Fish treated him. Then none of the other fish would associate with him and Rainbow fish got lonely and wondered why none of the other fish would communicate with him. He asked a starfish and he deferred to an octopus who told him to give away his scales and he would feel better.

Upon the advice of the octopus, Rainbow fish returned and the bluefish returned to asked about a scale. He reluctantly gave him one of the smaller scales he but it gave him a great feeling. Pretty soon the other fish lined up and asked for scales too which Rainbow Fish, with his new deposition on life, glady gave away his scales until he had just one glittery scale left. Now all the other fish accepted him and they lived happily ever after....

Socialist Propaganda if I ever heard it

But I'd never heard of this story and called up my girl Mae Mae (Aye Mae Mae!) to ask about it since she worked with kids.

I told her what I thought about it and she said I was nuts and that it was obviously a story about sharing and giving nothing more nothing less. I refused to give up so I dared her to go online, go to google and type in "Rainbow Fish-Socialism" Having never researched the matter myself. Because I was confident I wasn't the only person who picked this up.

I just looked it up and there were 12,300 hits

At this point (and yes this is another post dedicated to spite Meagan)...she was forced to acknowledge the legitimacy of my claim.

He had pretty scales and all the fish wanted them and he became unhappy because of his exclusion from society and the solution was to give away his most prized possessions???

Who the hell wrote this? Karl Marx?

Now for those who say "It's a kids story" I version would have been if he had a ball and wouldn't share and he found playing alone was not fun and discovered that through sharing he had more fun.

The sound more like some class stuff because of the pretty rainbow fish looking down on the common blue fish, and being excluded from normal society much as a rich person could find themselves, then finding that through giving away his scales or in the case of a to charity and sharing their wealth they were happier and had a sense of belonging and purpose.

I'm not a hardcore capitalist or anything but let's just keep the indoctrination away from the kiddies wheter the propaganda goes one way or the other

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

LOL :)

First of all, to uphold my part of the deal we made prior to the JSU vs MSU game, since we scored over 40 pts . . . YAW YAW YAW YAW YAW, YAW YAW, FOOTBALL!

With that taken care of . . . NO! I was NOT being/acting "stand-offish" at the game! This is what I remember: I recall "somebody" appearing out of thin air, me saying what up, then everything was cool until that same "somebody" made a comment that warrented an "Uh Ohh" and a record skip! So chill out with trying to call me out "sir!"

My thoughts on the JSU vs MSU game: Our offense started off kinda slow, liked the idea of them starting off with that reverse play. The defense looked okay, minus those two deep balls. And for the kicker, please let those 2 missed FGs be a thing of the past! Overall, by the end of the game, "Darn shame what they did to them tigers."

The U vs. FSU: That was a GOOD game! Nuff said!

AJ rips his shirt off and this is what he said......

Yaw Yaw Yaw Yaw Yaw Yaw...wait that's more of Meagan's thing...anyways. I am here to throw each and every last one of us under the bus including myself but mostly Meagan (why her???) I dunno. We've all been slacking off on our blogging. There's been a lot of things going on in our respective lives and/or sports to talk about. In fact we haven't blogged in so long I don't even much know what all we missed. Hell enough things took place just the last weekend. Me and Lesha pooh were together. Meagan acted, as Jeremy so eloquently put it, "standoff-ish" at the game. The BBQ last nite @ Alesha apartment. The Florida State game. Shawn Merriman having to choke a bitch...the list goes on...Jeremiah sneaking up on Meagan like a ninja!LOL

I'm issusing a personal challenge to Meagan Deandra Robinson, Alesha Ricole Lindsey, and Jeremiah "Jeremy" Short to step up they blog game!!!!